Thanks to all my readers to date but as I mentioned might happen, this blog is hibernating, perhaps even demised. Having left Palestine and the middle east ages ago now, as much as I'd like to continue to promote the cause of peace and justice for Palestine, I don't have anything firsthand to report. Do feel free to read over some of my posts and follow the links to the sites such as Electronic Intifada if you're keen on following the issues.
However, to the delight of perhaps three of you, I am now blogging about further travels in India, Nepal and Afghanistan over here at my blog. More of a personal travel blog, so without the overt politics of this blog . . . either way, drop in for a read or to check out my photos from amazing places like the Himalayas.
However, to the delight of perhaps three of you, I am now blogging about further travels in India, Nepal and Afghanistan over here at my blog. More of a personal travel blog, so without the overt politics of this blog . . . either way, drop in for a read or to check out my photos from amazing places like the Himalayas.