Sunday, 11 September 2011

Public talk in Perth this Wednesday

Flyer for the evening - click to enlarge
For those of you in Perth, I'm going to give a talk about my time in Palestine on Wednesday night;
6 - 7.30pm at CIA, 480 Newcastle St, West Perth.
It's directly opposite the City Motors caryard - look for the old brick school building - entry is around the back and up the stairs.

My thanks to the artists at the CIA studios and especially to the very groovy and mischievous pvi collective for hosting me - boo yah.

Entry is by donation to cover the evening, with any remaining funds to go to he amazing Combatants for Peace who I've blogged about a couple of times before - here and there.

I'd love to see you there if you can make it.

...and for those of you from Perth who can't make it, do check out the Friends of Palestine WA website and think about getting along to the next event in Perth - a rally in the city to support the international BDS (boycott, divestment and sacntions) campaign against apartheid Israel - Murray St Mall, 1pm Saturday 17th September.

Meantime - for anyone - here's an online petition that'll I'd really encourage you to consider signing - which also has an awesome two minute video giving an overview of the Palestinian situation. Do check it out!


  1. Hi Khristo,

    Loved the talk. I've read/watched events in Palestine, but it's always nice to hear someone discuss the conditions there first hand, in unedited form. A nice break from screen fatigue.


  2. Thanks Victor, great to get your feedback and have you along. Hope to see you Saturday at the rally!
