Sunday 13 March 2011

The other displaced people - the Bedouin

The Bedouin village of Al Arakib has been destroyed by Israel 21 times in less than 18 months... - since June 2010! -
despite the fact that the Israeli courts have not yet determined who is the rightful occupant (and despite the fact that the Bedouin have clearly been the traditional owners).

Today, Jews, Christians and Muslims gathered to defy the attempts to move this proud people out. This sign was erected on the highway to let all know that these people haven't gone away, and aren't intending to.

More than 50 years since Israel confiscated the land from the Bedouin, Israel has finally announced it is going to plant a forest here. Ironic, given that to do so, they have destroyed the olive groves, fruit trees and homes of this village. Now the people live in shanty huts but refuse to leave.
Today we symbolically planted olive trees again...
and then marched to the compound of the 'forest project'

The Israeli flag in the compound while outside there is Jewish solidarity:
'No more demolitions'

Caterpillar bulldozers, razor wire and armed police... Outside the compound a Jewish grandfather sits with a Bedouin grandmother united in opposition.

More info:

Bedouin Jewish Justice blog

Al Arakib article

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