Wednesday 8 June 2011

Back Room meetings with Hamas; Jihad in my head

Assuming that got your attention, it’s actually much more innocent than it might sound to most Westerners’ ears. More like a postscript to my earlier post re the warmth and friendliness of Palestinians. As I mentioned, two of the guys I met on recent trip to Ramallah and Nablus were called Jihad, and one was Hamas. To many people these names have such loaded negative connotations, yet here they are common names.

I met Hamas in a felafel restaurant; he was one of the cooks, and Jihad wasn’t exactly in my head, but his hands were in my mouth as he fed me (and another traveler, Emily) from his fruit and vegetable stall. (Thanks to Emily for taking one photo, and appearing in the other :)

Photo by Emily B.

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